Soldier Honored: Steven R. Givens

Hometown: Mobile, Alabama
Branch of Service: Army
Rank: Specialist
U.S. Army Specialist Steven R. Givens, 26, of Mobile, Ala., was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 15th infantry Regiment, 3rd Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division, Fort Benning, Ga. He died May 8, 2005 of injuries sustained from an enemy small-arms fire in Balad, Iraq while serving during Operation Iraqi Freedom.
A former student of Baker High School, SPC Givens is remembered as a man who loved and helped children of the war-torn country of Iraq. He always knew he wanted to serve in the military since he was a young child, as his grandfather had served and he was always proud of that. SPC Givens would join the army and serve for 8 years until his death.
He married his wife on January 13th, 2005 and three days later he deployed. As a child, he loved “The Dukes of Hazard” and video games. He could often be found sitting with his son in his lap, playing the latest PlayStation game. At graveside, Army Brigadier General William Jacobs, the deputy commanding general at Fort Rucker, presented the Bronze Star and Purple Heart for wounds received in action to the soldier’s mother and wife.
He is survived by his wife and son, both of whom are recipients of a Folds of Honor scholarship