2023 Patriot All-America Champions

Congratulations to Ian Gilligan and Tillie Claggett, winners of the 2023 Patriot All-America Invitational

2023 Thunderbolt Champion

Cooper Jones, a freshman from BYU wins the 2nd annual Thunderbolt Invitational

Veteran's Village Present by USAA

Veteran’s village – exclusively for Vets and First Responders

156 Men, 66 Women Honoring American Heroes

A one of a kind golf tournament, held December 27th-31st at the Wigwam Resort and Sterling Grove Golf + Country Club.

Official Tournament play December 29th-31st.

2024 Patriot all-America countdown








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The unique aspect of this Championship is that the players, in addition to competing in a 54-hole stroke-play tournament, also honor our military heroes. At the opening ceremony, each golfer receives and carries a commemorative PING golf bag that bears the name and branch of a fallen or wounded hero. Additionally, all of the golfers have the opportunity to visit Luke Air Force Base, the training center for our nation’s F-16 and F-35 fighter pilots. There, they meet with the General, fighter pilots and crew, and tour the base while participating inactivities rarely seen by civilians.

“This was a life-changing event for me. I will never think of golf the same way again. I feel so grateful for our soldiers.”

Patrick Martinez

University of Michigan, 2014

A Patriot Story

This video capsulizes what the Patriot All-America is all about. These young athletes competing and honoring a soldier who gave his or her life for our freedom.

The Patriot Team