Honoree: Joseph A. McSween

Hometown: Valdosta, GA
Branch of Service: Navy
Rank: Petty Officer 1st Class
Player: Tsubasa Kajitani
Petty Officer 1st Class Joseph A. McSween, 26, of Valdosta, GA was assigned to Explosive Ordnance Disposal Unit 11, Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, Wash. He was killed on April 6, 2007, while attempting to disarm an explosive ordinance device.
PO1 McSween attended Valdosta High School and graduated from Georgia Christian School. He attended York College on a track scholarship and graduated in 2001. During his time of service, PO1 McSween received several qualifications and awards including the Enlisted Surface Warfare Specialist pin, Senior EOD Tech, parachutist, diver, dive supervisor, Army Commendation Medal, Navy Good Conduct, Expert Marksman.
McSween was known as a movie buff, practical joker, and a sociable guy who knew everybody. McSween’s love for his job was only exceeded by his love for his family. He met his wife, Erin, at York College. She decided he would be interred in the two where they met.
The couple had two girls, 5-year old Lily and 2-year old Gwyneth.