Honoree: Kevin C. Kimmerly

Kevin C. Kimmerly
Dates: Died September 15, 2003
Hometown: North Creek, NY
Branch of Service: Army
Rank: Staff Sergeant
Player: Melanie Green

Army Staff Sergeant Kevin C. Kimmerly, 31, of North Creek, N.Y. was assigned to B Battery, 4th Battalion, 27th Field Artillery Regiment, based in Baumholder, Germany. He died September 15, 2003, while serving during Operation Iraqi Freedom when his vehicle was hit by a rocket-propelled grenade while on patrol in Bahdad.

During SSG Kimmerly’s 12-year military career he earned numerous medals and citations including two Army Commendation Medals; six Army Achievement Medals; Bronze Star; a Purple Heart and the Meritorious Service Medal.

SSG Kimmerly was always there when you needed him. “He was a real down-to-earth guy,” said friend Steve Studnicky. “There was never anything he wouldn’t do for you.” He and his twin brother played basketball in high school, where they were known as the ‘twin towers.’

SSG Kimmerly had previously served in Bosnia and Kosovo and was supposed to be coming home in three weeks. He was going to bring his wife, Inga, and 9-year-old son home to the States and go back to school.