Honoree: Daniel Lee
Hometown: Crossville, TN
Branch of Service: Army
Rank: Staff Sergeant
Player: Angela Arora
Staff Sergeant Daniel Lee, 28, from Crossville, Tenn., was assigned to Company C, 2nd Battalion, 3rd Special Forces Group, out of Fort Bragg, NC. He was fatally shot January 15, 2014, while on patrol in the vicinity of Wazghar Parwan Province, Afghanistan.
In 2007, SSG Lee enlisted as an infantryman in the United States Army, completing his initial entry training at Fort Benning, Georgia. While serving as a scout with the 1st Cav. Reg., SSG Lee deployed to Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2009. Upon his return, he volunteered for Special Forces Assessment and Selection. He eventually earned his Green Beret as part of the elite Army Special Forces unit.
SSG Lee’s military education included basic combat training, the basic airborne course, the warrior leader's course, the advanced leader's course, the survival, evasion, resistance and escape course and the special forces qualification course. His many awards and commendations reflected extraordinary leadership and dedication.
SSG Lee was posthumously promoted to Staff Sergeant Jan. 15, 2014.
He is survived by his wife, Suzanne, and son, Daniel.