Honoree: Chad M. Trimble

Hometown: West Covina, CA
Branch of Service: Army
Rank: Private First Class
Player: Caden Fioroni
Private First Class Chad Trimble, 29, of West Covina, Calif., was assigned to the 1st Squadron, 61st Cavalry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), Fort Campbell, Ky. He died May 28, 2008, when his vehicle encountered an improvised explosive device near Gardez, Afghanistan.
PFC Trimble was a 1996 graduate of Covina High School. After the terrorist attacks on New York on Sept. 11, 2001, he started to take an interest in joining the Army. After several years of growing interest, he signed up in October 2006.
Growing up, PFC Trimble could not be kept inside. He was always outside with the older boys in the neighborhood, and, as he grew up, he "tried every sport there was," his mother said. He also loved fishing with his father. Once he became a dad himself, he continued the tradition with his own girls, taking them camping at Southern California lakes. Indoors, he showed a more serious side. His mother often found him watching the History Channel and National Geographic channel, and he "was always aware of what was going on in the world," she said.
PFC Trimble is survived by his wife, Rosanna, and two daughters, Steffani and Micaela.