Honoree: Benjamin B. Tollefson

Benjamin B. Tollefson
Dates: Died December 31, 2008
Hometown: Concord, CA
Branch of Service: Army
Rank: Private First Class
Player: Baylor Larrabee

Private First-Class Benjamin Tollefson, 22, of Concord, Calif., was assigned to the Special Troops Battalion, 2nd Heavy Brigade Combat Team, 1st Infantry Division at Fort Riley, Ks. He died December 31, 2008, when insurgents attacked his unit in Balad, Iraq.

A 2005 graduate of Berean Christian High School and defensive lineman on the school’s football team, PFC Tollefson enlisted in the Army in August 2007. He told friends and family that he wanted to be a part of something bigger and wanted to provide for his family. PFC Tollefson was an infantryman and a skilled marksman. He was posthumously awarded the Purple Heart for his sacrifice.

Cory Renfrow said his friend liked to camp, play catch, shoot at the firing range, and watch sports. He had a high-pitched and distinctive laugh that was memorable and contagious. “He was the most compassionate, humble guy I ever met in my life. If everyone could love their wife and kids as much as he did, the world would be a better place,” Renfrow said.
“If I could summarize Ben in just one word, it would be hilarious,” said friend and former teammate Dane McCoy. “He was crazy, a little wild and great to be around.”

PFC is survived by his wife, Natalie, and their son, Mac.