Honoree: Larry J. Bauguess

Larry J. Bauguess
Dates: Died May 14, 2007
Hometown: Moravian Falls, NC
Branch of Service: Army
Rank: Major
Player: Keaton Vo

Army Major Larry J. Bauguess, Jr., 36, of Moravian Falls, North Carolina, was assigned to the 4th Brigade Special Troops Battalion, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division based in Fort Bragg, North Carolina. On May 14, 2007, MAJ Bauguess and others were leaving a meeting of officials from Afghanistan, Pakistan and NATO, held to ease tension following recent clashes between Afghan and Pakistani forces. As the Americans and Afghans prepared to leave, the Pakistanis opened fire without warning. The assault involved multiple gunmen and Major Bauguess lost his life while trying to protect the others in the group.

A 1993 graduate of Appalachian State University, MAJ Bauguess was a member of the school’s ROTC program. He received his commission into the Army in July that same year. He arrived at the 82nd Airborne Division in May 2006 and was assigned to the Special Troops Battalion.

Maj Bauguess’ wife, an Army veteran herself, said, “Larry would want to be remembered as a father, a husband, a son and a paratrooper. He loved his family unconditionally and he loved his work with his soldiers just as much.”

Major Bauguess is survived by his wife, Wesley and two daughters, Ryann and Ellie.