Honoree: Kenneth R. White

Kenneth R. White
Dates: Died June 5, 2011
Hometown: Fort Collins, CO
Branch of Service: Army
Rank: Chief Warrant Officer 3
Player: Adam Duncan

Army Chief Warrant Officer 3 Kenneth R. White, 35, of Fort Collins, Colorado, was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 10th Aviation Regiment, 10th Combat Aviation Brigade, 10th Mountain Division of Fort Drum, New York. He died June 5, 2011 in Khost province, Afghanistan, of injuries suffered as the result of a helicopter crash during a combat mission while serving with Task Force Tigershark.

CW3 White joined the Army in October 1994 and was stationed at Fort Hood, Texas. He was then moved to Fort Carson in Colorado Springs where he met his wife in 1998. He then went to flight school, flying the OH-58D Kiowa helicopter. This was his third tour to Iraq.

CW3’s family White's family reflected that he was a "wonderful man of God, an extraordinary husband to Sarah and loving father to his three children. An outstanding officer and friend, kind and patient, who inspired others to be better spouses, parents and friends. He was serving his country and doing what he loved best - flying."

CW3 White is survived by his wife Sarah, daughters Alita and Natalie, and son Seth.